Saturday, August 7, 2010

50 Follower Giveaway..... ????

To encourage people reading and following my blog, I'm going to hold a giveaway when I reach 50 followers :D

I already know some of the nail polishes I am going to include in the giveaway... They are all brand new bottles....

I'm always getting in orders of nail polish so there are sure to be more added as the days/weeks pass until I reach the 50 followers mark... I'll add some Aussie brands in as well like Le Beauty, Ulta3 and Rokk96...

Once I hit the 50 mark, I'll post the details of the giveaway and what products are up for grabs! :D


  1. i'm posting this on my giveaway page so people can learn about it!

  2. Thanks so much! I'm a huge fan of your blog so I'm stoked that you have become a follower! Thanks again :)


Thanks for your comments! I appreciate them and will try and respond as quickly as I can! :D