My Rescue Beauty Lounge order finally arrived! The weather hasn't been great though, so I'm going to wait for a sunny day to do swatches of those.
Today I have Zoya Mimi. It's a little more pink in real life. It's a gorgeous colour!

With flash
Some of the polishes I will be swatching over the next few weeks :D
Hey all! This is the beginning of my nail blog. I have been pretty obsessed with nail polish and the fabulous nail blogs that are on the net for the past few months, so I thought I would make my own now!! :D
For the moment I have some old, old images from months ago taken on my camera phone... Hopefully my pictures will be taken with a much better camera in the future... and not at my desk at work! :P
Hopefully before the weekend I will be receiving a package from Rescue Beauty Lounge, so I can do some swatches soon!
Orly Lollipop

Essie Lapis of Luxury