Monday, November 8, 2010

Nail Blogging Community - I really need your help!!!!

Hey everyone, I really, really need your help!

There are less than 83 hours left for voting in the Villa Botanica Competition to win our honeymoon. At the moment another couple are really giving us a flogging, so I am begging for all your help! ;(

I'm sorry if you think it's tacky of me to ask this, but it would mean the world to us if we won this honeymoon....

If you haven't already voted, it would be greatly appreciated if you could head over to the Villa Botanica facebook page, "LIKE" the page and then write "Micheal & Carina 26/8/11" on the wall (you can only do this ONCE).

If you do vote, please don't forget to leave a comment on my Lippmann Giveaway post so that it counts as an extra 5 entries for that Giveaway! (Or email me at to tell me your follower name and FB name).

If you have already voted and put your name down for my Lippmann Giveaway, thank you so much for your help! You guys are great!!! <3


  1. Okay so I was not planning on doing this, but now I feel bad not, haha. Voted for you - best of luck!

  2. ^^Aww thanks Jenny! I really appreciate it.... It sounds sappy but it would be a dream come true if we won it! Thanks again for your help! <3

  3. Voted, and even though I don't know you, and only came across you because of your contest, I really do hope you win! :)

  4. Voted you. Hope you win the contest. Good luck! :)

  5. Right now I'm going to vote using my hubby and my son account. :) Hope that help.

  6. I already voted you on my hubby and son accounts (Jaime and Manuel Jimenez)

  7. @SayAnythingBrooke - Thank you so much! That is really sweet of you!

    @MissA* - Thanks babe! I really appreciate your help :)

    @Carolina - Gracias Carolina! If you don't mind me asking, is your background South American/Mexican? Or are you from Spain? <3

  8. I'm from Venezuela, living in the USA for 15 years.

  9. How sweet! I voted for you guys :) I really hope you win! Best luck!

  10. @ Carolina - My mum is from Argentina!! :D

    @ Thifa - Thank you <3


Thanks for your comments! I appreciate them and will try and respond as quickly as I can! :D